

Robust cattle breeds for special locations
Through their grazing, our animals take care of ecologically valuable areas all year round: biotopes, wet meadows, heaths or dry slopes.
Therefore, we rely on robust Scottish breeds that are adapted to these special conditions and feel comfortable there – Angus cattle, Galloway cattle and Highland cattle.
Climate-resistant in every situation
These cattle breeds are considered to be climate-resistant and have typically no problem with rain, moisture, snow or wind. If it does get too rainy or windy, our animals can retreat to their shelters in the pastures.
Frugal animals
Our Angus, Galloway and Highland Cattle have few demands and get along very well on their own.
They are very resistant to diseases and parasites (the label prohibits the use of antibiotics), very seldom need help with the birth of calves and also make good use of low-energy feed on dry slopes.